Monday 2 June 2014


Answer is YES ! 

Let me elaborate - We are living in a world where smart phones will out number PCs. If you're a company that uses advertising in any meaningful way, you'd better buy your mobile cruise tickets before the boat leaves without you...

According to Benedict Evans as of December 2013, there are slightly more than 1.6 billion PCs still 'hanging out,' around 1.3 billion smartphones and about 200 million tablets. It's a pretty clear picture of things to come. Website owners would be fools to ignore what they've been seeing for the last three to five years: Mobile Traffic is slowly and steadily increasing as compared to Traditional PC traffic.
Despite this being the age of the Smartphone, it's a strong indication that mobile still has a long period of growth ahead, due in part to the fact that many just haven't been taking the latest tech changes in stride.
Many experts from the world of mobile still believes that customer engagement and satisfaction are two powerful motivations to get pumping with the mobile scene. "Social media and Mobile are evolving at alarming rates," says Marc Fischman, co-Founder of Hyperactivate. "Attention constantly shifts to new platforms. Brands need to learn how to spread the word using apps and social media effectively."
One of the issues Fischman pointed out that's common to many marketers using apps and social media, is that they either don't bother or don't know how to engage followers, even when they have them. Fischman suggests that it's not just the message that counts, although that too is important. But it's also critical to measure engagement and promote your message in a way that creates viral reach. "First you've got to have the tools to catch the consumer eye," continues Fischman. "Then you have to learn how to make use of the results and continue to create engaging, viral campaigns."
Some Tips For Mobile Marketing
In order to understand the trends, it's important that you understand the nature of the beast: diversity, quality, innovation, experimentation and influence. Only then can you chase consumer  with an eye for scoring well within the medium. There's no way to cover everything within one article. But here are some pointers to give you a head's up from those who know.
1) Diversity: The variety of mobile tools make it almost impossible for failure when it comes to reaching your target audience. Don't choose one app or one method and assume it's the answer to all your needs. Before you invest in a pricey app, make sure if can be made to work for you, not the other way around. Use the right analytics, integrate your efforts and make it social.
2) Quality Counts: There are mobile marketing tools for every budget. This's why it's important to perform due diligence. The last thing you want is to put money into something that's nearly impossible to use or that doesn't work well. And don't forget to make sure your message contains a powerful call to action. Why should your audience make the purchase? What's in it for them? Discounts? Credits? Buy one get one free? Ask yourself--how robust is your message?
3) Accelerate Your Innovation: Mobile designers are running an Olympic race to leverage information and advancements in an effort to reduce complexity yet provide compelling services. You almost can't blink without seeing the mobile boundaries grow and change shape. Marketers need to keep their eyes on the innovative game, as well as on the way mobile is changing peoples lives. Every purchase, every 'like" and every share is a message. Listen and respond wisely.
4) Content is Queen, Influence is King: Have you taken the time to learn about your audience? With more and more people learning how to use the web in a more personalized way, and with mobile poised to surpass television as our means for connecting with all media, it's vital to learn how your target audience experiences everything from life to relationships, and from entertainment to making purchases. We've come to rely more and more on other people's referrals and reviews. You have to ensure that people not only connect with your message, but pass it along, too.
Not having a mobile strategy is a "recipe for disruption", with a dash of eventual panic thrown in. The age mobile is still young enough for brands to get on board with it. That means larger budgets and greater focus on the road ahead. Even if print becomes less expensive as that medium tries to survive, that doesn't mean you should ignore mobile.

Sunday 1 June 2014

How PPC Marketing Works ?

What is PPC?

Pay per click ads usually appear in a coloured box on search results pages and are separated from the regular search results on most major search engines and portals. Some portals (such as Ask Jeeves and AOL) are not clearly separating the ads from the regular search results. Many of the larger PPC networks have many search partners and broad sweeping contextual advertising networks. Who Owns the Largest PPC Networks? This is a rough estimate, but between 10% and 30% of purchases which originate from search come from pay per click ads. Currently Google Ad Words and Overture are the two largest pay per click search engines.

Risk Involved with PPC? 

Pay per click search engine marketing has no risks involved other than the money you are spending buying the clicks. This means that you do not need to worry about your site getting banned from a search engine for PPC services. The recurring costs for PPC marketing can be expensive since you pay for every click. Some competitors may click on your ads to cost you money (this is more prevalent in high margin industries). It is important to track your ads and report suspicious behaviour.

How PPC Works ?

With pay per click marketing you buy search engine traffic based on relevant keywords bought in an auction model. (Some smaller pay per click engines charge by category.) You pay for every click so targeting is important. You can view Overture click costs for your primary keyword phrases using the Overture view bid tool. Google hides bid prices and factors ad click through rate into click cost.

Why Should I use Big PPC Networks? 

There are many smaller pay per click networks, but I recommend starting off with the two largest to ensure you are buying quality traffic and that your business model is sustainable. Using these networks will also provide your business with a rapid feedback loop. Overture vs. Google Ad Words The trick to doing well in Google Ad Words is encouraging a high click through rate which will lower click costs. Google created a free PDF report offering tips on how to use Ad Words effectively.Overture also recently created a free “how to” PDF. The trick to doing well in Overture is to use many different variations of your keywords since they place exact match listings before broad match listings. This means if you bid on the exact term someone is searching for and someone else bids on a different variation of a similar term your ad will appear before theirs, even if your bid is significantly cheaper. Some people will do better with Overture and other industries are better using Google Ad Words. I recommend trying both. PPC vs. SEO Pay per click marketing may provide a quick cheap alternative to investing in a full service SEO program. This will help you test your business model before investing into quality SEO services. Over time good SEO is likely going to be cheaper than most pay per click marketing, though the value of each depends on a market. A person selling a report about using Google Ad Words would find Google Ad Words as a great place to market their product.

Many PPC Ads Lose Money !

Like anything else there is a learning cycle associated with PPC marketing. Many people who use pay per click marketing lose money, so you should not assume your competitors know what they are doing especially if they are a large corporation (like Wal-Mart). Many business models cannot support pay per click marketing, while others rely on PPC marketing. Many successful marketers and web masters use both PPC and SEO with each other.The only way to be sure of the value provided by each is to test and track the results.