Monday 20 January 2014

Why Facebook's New Algorithm for Newsfeed not a good idea!

Facebook's Panda Algorithm
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So, Facebook recently updated it's own News Feed Algorithm. According to the new algorithm, users would see more posts with "High Quality Content" produced by businesses, rather than the useless "Memes & Posters" hosted on some other websites. This might be a good strategy to show the users more prominent and useful data/links but after analyzing the impact of this update on my own news feed, I am forced to say that its not a big improvement at all.
Let's rewind a bit and think why all of us joined Facebook in the first place? Was it to see the "High quality paid links" suggested by facebook? Certainly not! The reason behind most of the people joining facebook was simply to stay connected to friends and family. With this new algorithm all the updates from your family and friends would disappear because their posts won't have enough likes and comments to be deemed "Useful" by the Fb's new algorithm. After detailed analysis on this new algorithm it has been found that only those posts which have many likes and comments on them are visible, in other words only the posts by business pages would be visible, it may even be shown more than once on your newsfeed! But the posts by your friends and others might not be visible at all. Hence, in trying to provide more useful content to its users, Facebook lost its original purpose, which was to help people stay connected. Now with the evolvement of this new algorithm FB's "social connectivity" is decreasing and it is becoming more of a business tool which is used to generate traffic for Big Brands only.

Here's what Facebook has to say about this update - "Why are we doing this? Our surveys show that on average people prefer links to high quality articles about current events, their favorite sports team or shared interests, to the latest meme," says Facebook software engineer Varun Kacholia in a blog post. 
"To complement people's interest in articles, we recently began looking at ways to show people additional articles similar to ones they had just read," Kacholia adds. "Soon, after you click on a link to an article, you may see up to three related articles directly below the News Feed post to help you discover more content you may find interesting."

While this might seem like a valid justification, but in reality its only an excuse to promote business pages and generate more traffic for these business websites. In a nutshell, if you want to share your own stories and stay connected with your friends, without being bothered but business posts, Facebook is no more the place to go. Sad to see the most useful place to socialize has been reduced to nothing more than a paid blog!!

1 comment:

  1. We should rewind a piece and think why we all joined Facebook in any case? Is it safe to say that it was to see the "High caliber paid connections" proposed by facebook? Surely not! The explanation for the vast majority of the individuals joining facebook was basically to remain associated with loved ones.
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    Digital Technology Institute
