Tuesday 21 January 2014

Why India is failing in it's war against Cyber Terrorism ?

Cyber Crime in India
Photo Credit - Siliconindia.info
 With the rapid growth of  internet technology, cyber threat has increased more than ever. This unprecedented growth in cyber security threats has forced companies globally to seek the help of more and more cyber security personnel, but this strategy is also failing as firms world wide are facing a shortage of such professionals, a research study by CISCO said.
India especially has become the center of such cyber attacks, according to the ASR (Annual Security Report) 2013 was a "Bad Year " as the total attacks increased by over 14% as compared to 2012! This is a particularly bad percentage, especially considering the fact that India produces more than 7.5 lakh engineers from its 3394 engineering colleges each year, and most of them remain unemployed.

Mr Diwakar Dayal (Cisco Leader Security Business) said, that these attacks are higher than ever. Reports of cyber intrusions were the highest in the last 13 years. An even more embarrassing is the fact is that Indian government websites have been breached over A Thousand Times in the last three years !! The more you think about it, more serious this matter becomes. Is anyone really safe online? Is our information in the government servers safe? These figures don't really inspire confidence. India is facing a shortage of more than 4 lakh cyber soldiers, and the government is not paying any attention to the matter whatsoever.

Photo Credit - topnews.in
Reports also suggested that attacks on web hosting servers and database centers have also increased. Top platforms to be hacked where Androids and Java. Problem with these platforms is that they are opensource with endless iterations, making them an easy target for malicious coders. 99.2% of malicious attacks are against Android platforms.

These reports are based on SIO (Security Intelligence Operations), its critical in cyber threat evaluation and elimination. SIO inspects thirty million network connects, Ninety three billion emails, and Four lakh IP addresses daily.
This matter of cyber security is an important issue which must be dealt immediately. We need to anticipate these complex and sophisticated attacks on our networks and retaliate with precision.Only then we can be sure of our safety online.

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